East Neuk of Fife – Series of Colourist Paintings

A Series of Colourist Paintings of the East Neuk of Fife. The East Neuk of Fife is a lovely area made up of small fishing...

A Series of Colourist Paintings of the East Neuk of Fife.

Seaglass Hunt, Anstruther

The East Neuk of Fife is a lovely area made up of small fishing villages and towns. Fishing villages have a lovely collection of ‘folksy’, old, higgledy-piggledy cottages, many painted in bright, cheerful colours. Old rowing-boats, flowerpots, barrels, all filled with flowering plants add to the overall colour. An absolute delight on warm, summer days!

Crail Harbour

Crail Harbour is very impressive and the stone-work is fantastic. Ideal for a colourist painting, each stone having it’s own shape, size and colour. It is still a working harbour with all the colourful crewel pots stacked along the sides.

Dreel Halls in Anstruther

This view was taken from the beach looking towards the Dreel Halls and cemetery. The tide was out, and the shore was thick with seaweed.

St. Monans – Series of Colourist Paintings