Doric Ode Tae Wind-Farms

Doric Ode Tae Wind-Farms (Written in response to the destruction of the countryside in my area.) Move aside, get oot the way, Progress is comin’...

Doric Ode Tae Wind-Farms

(Written in response to the destruction of the countryside in my area.)

Move aside, get oot the way,
Progress is comin’ tae oor hills an’ braes,
Giant machinery strides across oor land,
Neither beauty nor beast can stop the demand.

Wi’ diggers and lorries rippin’ an’ tearin’,
The countryside noo looks sich a blight,
Wi’ churned-up earth piled oh so high,
An’ hard shiny roads, land concreted ower.

Ripping oot hedgerows, choppin’ doon trees,
Destroyin’ the Rookery o’ a hundred years,
Scaring awa’ the wildlife, threatenin’ the birds,
Mak way fer these new saviours o’ earth.

Knockin’ doon the Ruins,
Pouring concrete in oor land,
Clearing away oor greenery,
Fer the supposed benefit o’ mankind.

Graceful lookin’ machines, twirlin’ in the air,
Benzene gases re-distributed everywhere,
The long arms o’ the turbines turnin’,
An’ aw the gasses fae Mossmorran,
Dispersin’ lazily in the breeze.

Pink-footed geese who visit next year,
Surprised by these giants that suddenly appear,
9 giant turbines ower 400ft tall,
Will gie them a scare, an’ dwarf us aw’.

Death o’ the birds cut doon in flight,
Is surely tae be the buzzards’ plight,
The blades slice thru aw’ in their path,
Deadly knives viciously slash, slash, slash.

The trees ripped oot, the towers will frown,
Doon upon oor little town,
Deid birds collected every day,
Their numbers nought but hearsay.

The noise of thump/thud/whoosh,
Throughoot the night,
The intermittent flickering light,
Will ma health suffer, will that o’ ma bairn.

‘Wind Turbine Syndrome’ can affect us aw’,
Sleep disturbances, becomin’ the norm,
Vibration an’ hum cairy thru the air,
Wi’ headaches, tinnitus, nausea,
Attackin’ the nerves, aw’ sae adverse.

Swept awa’ by the company juice,
Wi’ pylons feedin’ into monstrous towers,
Promisin’ the earth, destroyin’ the flowers,
False gods stride mercilessly onward.

Welcome these towers wi’ caution an’ threat,
Don’t take their coppers, it’s a puir swap,
Publicity companies rub hands in glee,
An’ buy aff a town wi’ money an’ power.

Campaigns grow up aroond this land,
Asking that we tak a stand,
To halt the destruction in its tracks,
And let us hae some debate an’ say,
Tae see if what we’re daein is still ok.

There’s plenty info on the web,
To say this progress isnae the best,
There’s mony a scientist yellin’ aboot danger,
We’re needin’ a debate aroond the table.

These pretty monsters, arenae aw’ they’re claimed tae be,
Leavin’ us a useless metal legacy,
O’ thinkin’ we could hae energy fer free,
We’re payin’ fer it wi’ oor heritage, oor health, oor fees.

Maybe we’re lucky,
An’ tourism will flourish,
Bringin’ the money in, as they flock tae the towers,
The highest machinery in the whole o’ Fife,
Sittin’ next door to oor ain cracker plant.

Watch the pretty publicity o’ graceful turbines,
Gently turnin’ in Nature’s breeze,
Breathe deeply the Benzene gasses,
Tak’ into yer soul, the hiss o’ machines.

Tear the hedgerows oot by the roots,
Chop doon the trees, get rid o’ the woods,
Block your eyes to the cry o’ the flowers,
Oor salvation is here in the form o’ the towers.

Disnae it look pretty, turnin’ in the wind,
Thump, thump, thump, the machine grins…


“Huge amounts of tax payers money for scant environmental and electrical benefit make them a scam. Wind-farms are inefficient, destroy the landscape and far more could be achieved through energy efficiency. If you lagged the roofs of 500 homes it would have the effect of putting up one turbine. They can only work 30% of the time at very best, in Denmark it is only 17%. We have to keep other stations running, spinning in reserve, inefficiently pouring out carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These turbines are 22 storeys high put on hills where everyone can see them. They kill bats and birds and need 1,000 tonnes of concrete as well as a road infrastructure. It beggars belief that some environmental groups can say they are ‘green’.” ~Professor David Bellamy

(Mossmorran is a reference to the ethylene-cracker plant located on the outskirts of Lochgelly and Cowdenbeath.)

Scots Language